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Chromotherapy… Fact or Fiction?

23 Aug

Monte Mulini relax room in an orange hue

Monte Mulini spa treatment room in purple

Changing rooms - Monte Mulini relax room in blue, looking into the pink spa treatment room

Chromotherapy is an alternative medicine method. Apparently looking at different colours can help different parts of the body. A “chromo” treatment can help balance “energy” in the patient, wherever their system is lacking.

So, I decided to do some digging and found a 5 star hotel in the Croatian city of Rovinj that practises this method of chromotherapy in their treatment rooms.

I spoke to Marketing Manager, Ivica Vrkic, of the Maistra Hotel Group, owners of the multi million dollar, Monte Mulini hotel.

Here is some of our interview…

“Monte Mulini’s Art Wellness Spa offers its guests luxurious massages and treatments but we wanted to offer something more, something exclusive.

In addition to the music and aromas offered, we added specific modifications of coloured light in the VIP relaxation rooms. Our guests are able to listen to their choice of music, and choose the temperature in the room for their specific treatment and along with that guests can choose one of the colour chromotherapy choices to enhance their experience.

This is the first time we have used this chromotherapy technique in our group of hotels.

Sunlight and all the colors that it contains are one of the fundamental prerequisites of life on earth and are reflected in every living being. Since ancient times, famous temples of light that have healed with colours and light.

In search of a more natural incentives for self-healing and treating health problems, we once again recognised the extremely important role of light and color that affect the function of the human organism.

It was found that the color red stimulates blood circulation, yellow activates the motor and nervous systems, and it helps with the expulsion of toxins from the liver, orange stimulates the work of the thyroid, helps digestion and eases breathing, green is the general healing color, blue stimulates rest and helps with insomnia, purple promotes the work of the pancreas, and helps with excessive imbalances such as obesity.

We have guests here from all four corners of the globe, all our guests are satisfied with our treatments and techniques and the comments are always positive.”

Well…I know that I always feel good when I walk into my bright green study…but, is it healing? I don’t know that I’d go that far. But, I love it…and I guess that’s the main thing!